Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Favourite Matches--Vol. 2

Since the last installment of My Favourite Matches was about the first Pay-Per-View I ever watched, I've decided to continue on with another first.

Wrestlemania X-Seven was the first Wrestlemania I ever watched and it is still probably my favourite one to date (with the exception of the one I went to of course). The main event, one of my most favourite matches, saw Stone Cold Steve Austin face off against The Rock for his WWE Championship--the most prestigious title a wrestler can hold in WWE. This show took place in 2001 at a time when I was a different kind of a wrestling fan than I am now. At this point I was literally obsessed with wrestling. Seriously people. Anybody who knew me at this stage of my "wrestling fandom" probably thought I was absolutely insane.

Why it's one of my faves:
I was not only obsessed with wrestling in general in 2001, but I was also obsessed with The Rock. I thought this guy was pretty much a god. There was nobody better than him, not even Stone Cold Steve Austin--the guy who had been WWE's leading man for several previous years. I knew this match would make an impact and it certainly did.

Normally wrestling matches are between a heel and a babyface for that good vs. evil effect. But on that night the ultimate battle of the babyfaces was taking place. The Rock and Stone Cold were the two biggest fan favourites at the time so the fans were torn on who to stand behind. This is what made the match so electric. People didn't want to see either guy lose.

Thoughout the entire match the control went back and forth like I had never seen before. It was impossible to say who would be the winner. They put on one hell of an entertaining match that would end with a major twist that left me with a kind of bittersweet impression of it all.

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